Konfiguration über http
選択できるのは25トピックまでです。 トピックは、先頭が英数字で、英数字とダッシュ('-')を使用した35文字以内のものにしてください。

Web_Net_Setup.ino 23KB

  1. /* Web_Net_Setup.pde - example for a webinterface to set the network configuration
  2. Author: Matthias Maderer
  3. Date: 07.03.2013
  4. Version: 1.0.1
  5. web: www.edvler-blog.de/arduino_networksetup_webinterface_with_eeprom
  6. This is a sample Sketch for Webduino!
  7. More informations about Webduino can be found at https://github.com/sirleech/Webduino
  8. For more informations about EEPROMAnything.h look at http://playground.arduino.cc/Code/EEPROMWriteAnything
  9. */
  10. /*
  11. * With this example its possible to configure the network configuration of the
  12. * Arduino Ethernet Shield with a webinterface. Imagine like your router setup.
  13. *
  14. * It's possible to configure the following network settings:
  15. * - MAC address
  16. * - IP address
  17. * - Subnet
  18. * - Gateway
  19. * - DNS Server
  20. * - Webserver port
  21. * - USE DHCP YES/NO (if you use DHCP connect per serial port - 9600 baud - on powerup to see which ip address is assigned)
  22. * - DHCP renew interval
  23. *
  24. * Other functions:
  25. * - Display DHCP renew status
  26. * - Display DHCP renew timestamp
  27. * - Display Arduino uptime
  28. * - Display used RAM
  29. *
  30. * You can configure default settings. This settings are used wenn no configuration is present.
  31. * Look at the function set_EEPROM_Default().
  32. *
  33. * It is possible to connect a RESET button. If the button is pressed and the Arduino is turned on
  34. * the default values would be restored too.
  35. * See #define RESET_PIN.
  36. *
  37. *
  38. * All settings are stored in EEPROM. This means they are permanent.
  39. * Please look at http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/EEPROM for a short description.
  40. *
  41. *
  42. * To setup your arduino upload this sketch.
  43. *
  44. * If you don't change the sourcecode the default IP address is
  45. * Don't forget to change the IP of your network adapter to a suitable address (e.g. to IP, NETMASK!
  46. *
  47. * Enter the following URL for the setup page:
  48. *
  49. *
  50. * Please note that no input checks are done!!
  51. * This means that no error would be thrown if you type a wrong IP address or other failures.
  52. * Keep this in mind.
  53. *
  54. * Resources:
  55. * There are many Strings for the HTML site. The compiled size is about 27.000 Bytes. Aprox. 2000 byte of SRAM is used.
  56. * On smaller Arduinos this may cause problems. I've tested it on a MEGA 2560.
  57. *
  58. * BUGS:
  59. * - After uploading your sketch the arduino is not reachable. --> Reset your Arduino!!
  60. */
  61. #define WEBDUINO_FAVICON_DATA "" // no favicon
  62. #define DEBUG //uncomment for serial debug output
  63. #define USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY //comment out if you want to save some space (about 1 Byte). You wouldn't see uptime and free RAM if it's commented out.
  64. #define SERIAL_BAUD 9600
  65. #include "SPI.h" // new include
  66. #include "avr/pgmspace.h" // new include
  67. #include "Ethernet.h"
  68. #include "WebServer.h"
  69. #include <EEPROM.h>
  70. /* #############################################################################################################################################################
  71. * Code for the EEPROM related things
  72. *
  73. */
  74. //#include <EEPROM.h>
  75. //#include "EEPROMAnything.h"
  76. #define RESET_PIN 40 //Connect a button to this PIN. If the button is hold, an the device is turned on the default ethernet settings are restored.
  77. /* structure which is stored in the eeprom.
  78. * Look at "EEPROMAnything.h" for the functions storing and reading the struct
  79. */
  80. #include "struct.h"
  81. int EEPROM_readAnything(int ee, config_t& value)
  82. {
  83. byte* p = (byte*)(void*)&value;
  84. unsigned int i;
  85. for (i = 0; i < sizeof(value); i++)
  86. *p++ = EEPROM.read(ee++);
  87. return i;
  88. }
  89. int EEPROM_writeAnything(int ee, const config_t& value)
  90. {
  91. const byte* p = (const byte*)(const void*)&value;
  92. unsigned int i;
  93. for (i = 0; i < sizeof(value); i++)
  94. EEPROM.write(ee++, *p++);
  95. return i;
  96. }
  97. /**
  98. * set_EEPROM_Default() function
  99. *
  100. * The default settings.
  101. * This settings are used when no config is present or the reset button is pressed.
  102. */
  103. void set_EEPROM_Default() {
  104. eeprom_config.config_set=1; // dont change! It's used to check if the config is already set
  105. eeprom_config.use_dhcp=0; // use DHCP per default
  106. eeprom_config.dhcp_refresh_minutes=60; // refresh the DHCP every 60 minutes
  107. // set the default MAC address. In this case its DE:AD:BE:EF:FE:ED
  108. eeprom_config.mac[0]=0xDE;
  109. eeprom_config.mac[1]=0xAD;
  110. eeprom_config.mac[2]=0xBE;
  111. eeprom_config.mac[3]=0xEF;
  112. eeprom_config.mac[4]=0xFE;
  113. eeprom_config.mac[5]=0xED;
  114. // set the default IP address for the arduino. In this case its
  115. eeprom_config.ip[0]=192;
  116. eeprom_config.ip[1]=168;
  117. eeprom_config.ip[2]=1;
  118. eeprom_config.ip[3]=97;
  119. // set the default GATEWAY. In this case its
  120. eeprom_config.gateway[0]=192;
  121. eeprom_config.gateway[1]=168;
  122. eeprom_config.gateway[2]=1;
  123. eeprom_config.gateway[3]=1;
  124. // set the default SUBNET. In this case its
  125. eeprom_config.subnet[0]=255;
  126. eeprom_config.subnet[1]=255;
  127. eeprom_config.subnet[2]=255;
  128. eeprom_config.subnet[3]=0;
  129. // set the default DNS SERVER. In this case its
  130. eeprom_config.dns_server[0]=192;
  131. eeprom_config.dns_server[1]=168;
  132. eeprom_config.dns_server[2]=1;
  133. eeprom_config.dns_server[3]=1;
  134. // set the default Webserver Port. In this case its Port 80
  135. eeprom_config.webserverPort=80;
  136. #ifdef DEBUG
  137. Serial.println("Config reset");
  138. #endif
  139. }
  140. /**
  141. * read_EEPROM_Settings function
  142. * This function is used to read the EEPROM settings at startup
  143. *
  144. * Overview:
  145. * - Set the PIN for the RESET-button to input and activate pullups
  146. * - Load the stored data from EEPROM into the eeprom_config struct
  147. * - Check if a config is stored or the reset button is pressed. If one of the conditions is ture, set the defaults
  148. */
  149. void read_EEPROM_Settings() {
  150. pinMode(RESET_PIN, INPUT);
  151. digitalWrite(RESET_PIN, HIGH);
  152. // read the current config
  153. EEPROM_readAnything(0, eeprom_config);
  154. // check if config is present or if reset button is pressed
  155. if (eeprom_config.config_set != 1 || digitalRead(RESET_PIN) == LOW) {
  156. // set default values
  157. set_EEPROM_Default();
  158. // write the config to eeprom
  159. EEPROM_writeAnything(0, eeprom_config);
  160. }
  161. }
  162. /**
  163. * print_EEPROM_Settings() function
  164. *
  165. * This function is used for debugging the configuration.
  166. * It prints the actual configuration to the serial port.
  167. */
  168. #ifdef DEBUG
  169. void print_EEPROM_Settings() {
  170. Serial.print("IP: ");
  171. for(int i = 0; i<4; i++) {
  172. Serial.print(eeprom_config.ip[i]);
  173. if (i<3) {
  174. Serial.print('.');
  175. }
  176. }
  177. Serial.println();
  178. Serial.print("Subnet: ");
  179. for(int i = 0; i<4; i++) {
  180. Serial.print(eeprom_config.subnet[i]);
  181. if (i<3) {
  182. Serial.print('.');
  183. }
  184. }
  185. Serial.println();
  186. Serial.print("Gateway: ");
  187. for(int i = 0; i<4; i++) {
  188. Serial.print(eeprom_config.gateway[i]);
  189. if (i<3) {
  190. Serial.print('.');
  191. }
  192. }
  193. Serial.println();
  194. Serial.print("DNS Server: ");
  195. for(int i = 0; i<4; i++) {
  196. Serial.print(eeprom_config.dns_server[i]);
  197. if (i<3) {
  198. Serial.print('.');
  199. }
  200. }
  201. Serial.println();
  202. Serial.print("MAC: ");
  203. for (int a=0;a<6;a++) {
  204. Serial.print(eeprom_config.mac[a],HEX);
  205. if(a<5) {
  206. Serial.print(":");
  207. }
  208. }
  209. Serial.println();
  210. Serial.print("Webserver Port: ");
  211. Serial.println(eeprom_config.webserverPort);
  212. Serial.print("USE DHCP: ");
  213. Serial.println(eeprom_config.use_dhcp);
  214. Serial.print(" DHCP renew every ");
  215. Serial.print(eeprom_config.dhcp_refresh_minutes);
  216. Serial.println(" minutes");
  217. Serial.print("Config Set: ");
  218. Serial.println(eeprom_config.config_set);
  219. }
  220. #endif
  221. // #############################################################################################################################################################
  222. /* START Network section #######################################################################################################################################
  223. * Code for setting up network connection
  224. */
  225. unsigned long last_dhcp_renew;
  226. byte dhcp_state;
  227. /**
  228. * renewDHCP() function
  229. * Renew the DHCP relase in a given interval.
  230. *
  231. * Overview:
  232. * - Check if interval = 0 and set it to 1
  233. * - Check if renew interval is reached and renew the lease
  234. */
  235. void renewDHCP(int interval) {
  236. unsigned long interval_millis = interval * 60000;
  237. if (interval == 0 ) {
  238. interval = 1;
  239. }
  240. if (eeprom_config.use_dhcp==1) {
  241. if((millis() - last_dhcp_renew) > interval_millis) {
  242. last_dhcp_renew=millis();
  243. dhcp_state = Ethernet.maintain();
  244. }
  245. }
  246. }
  247. /**
  248. * setupNetwork() function
  249. * This function is used to setupup the network according to the values stored in the eeprom
  250. *
  251. * Overview:
  252. * - First of all read the EEPROM settings
  253. * - Display a link to the ethernet setup
  254. * - Check if DHCP should be used, if not create instaces of IPAddress for ip, gateway, subnet and dns_server
  255. * - Invoke Ethernet.begin with all parameters if no dhcp is active (Ethernet.begin(mac, ip, dns_server, gateway, subnet);).
  256. * - If DHCP is used invoke only with mac (Ethernet.begin(mac);) and display the ip on the serial console.
  257. */
  258. void setupNetwork() {
  259. read_EEPROM_Settings();
  260. #ifdef DEBUG
  261. print_EEPROM_Settings();
  262. #endif
  263. // byte mac[] = { eeprom_config.mac[0], eeprom_config.mac[1], eeprom_config.mac[2], eeprom_config.mac[3], eeprom_config.mac[4], eeprom_config.mac[5] };
  264. if (eeprom_config.use_dhcp != 1) {
  265. IPAddress ip(eeprom_config.ip[0], eeprom_config.ip[1], eeprom_config.ip[2], eeprom_config.ip[3]);
  266. IPAddress gateway (eeprom_config.gateway[0],eeprom_config.gateway[1],eeprom_config.gateway[2],eeprom_config.gateway[3]);
  267. IPAddress subnet (eeprom_config.subnet[0], eeprom_config.subnet[1], eeprom_config.subnet[2], eeprom_config.subnet[3]);
  268. IPAddress dns_server (eeprom_config.dns_server[0], eeprom_config.dns_server[1], eeprom_config.dns_server[2], eeprom_config.dns_server[3]);
  269. Ethernet.begin(eeprom_config.mac, ip, dns_server, gateway, subnet);
  270. } else {
  271. if (Ethernet.begin(eeprom_config.mac) == 0) {
  272. Serial.print("Failed to configure Ethernet using DHCP");
  273. }
  274. Serial.println(Ethernet.localIP());
  275. }
  276. }
  277. // END Network section #########################################################################################################################################
  278. /* WEB-Server section #######################################################################################################################################
  279. * Webserver Code
  280. */
  281. #ifdef USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY
  282. #include "system.h"
  283. System sys;
  284. #endif
  285. /* Store all string in the FLASH storage to free SRAM.
  286. The P() is a function from Webduino.
  287. */
  288. P(Page_start) = "<html><head><title>Web_EEPROM_Setup</title></head><body>\n";
  289. P(Page_end) = "</body></html>";
  290. P(Http400) = "HTTP 400 - BAD REQUEST";
  291. P(Index) = "<h1>index.html</h1><br>This is your main site!<br>The code is found in the indexHTML() function.<br>You can add more sites if you need. Please see the well documented source code.<br><br>Use the following link to setup the network.<br><a href=\"setupNet.html\">NETWORK SETUP</a>";
  292. P(Form_eth_start) = "<FORM action=\"setupNet.html\" method=\"get\">";
  293. P(Form_end) = "<FORM>";
  294. P(Form_input_send) = "<INPUT type=\"submit\" value=\"Set config\">";
  295. P(Form_input_text_start) = "<input type=\"text\" name=\"";
  296. P(Form_input_value) = "\" value=\"";
  297. P(Form_input_size2) = "\" maxlength=\"2\" size=\"2";
  298. P(Form_input_size3) = "\" maxlength=\"3\" size=\"3";
  299. P(Form_input_end) = "\">\n";
  300. P(MAC) = "MAC address: ";
  301. P(IP) = "IP address: ";
  302. P(SUBNET) = "Subnet: ";
  303. P(GW) = "GW address: ";
  304. P(DNS_SERVER) = "DNS server: ";
  305. P(WEB_PORT) = "Webserver port (1-65535): ";
  306. P(DHCP_ACTIVE) = "Use DHCP: ";
  307. P(DHCP_REFRESH) = "Renew interval for DHCP in minutes (1 - 255): ";
  308. P(Form_cb) = "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"23\" value=\"";
  309. P(Form_cb_checked) = " checked ";
  310. P(Form_cb_on) = ">On";
  311. P(Form_cb_off) = ">Off";
  312. P(br) = "<br>\n";
  313. P(table_start) = "<table>";
  314. P(table_tr_start) = "<tr>";
  315. P(table_tr_end) = "</tr>";
  316. P(table_td_start) = "<td>";
  317. P(table_td_end) = "</td>";
  318. P(table_end) = "</table>";
  319. P(Config_set) = "<font size=\"6\" color=\"red\">New configuration stored! <br>Please turn off and on your Arduino or use the reset button!</font><br>";
  320. P(DHCP_STATE_TIME) = "DHCP last renew timestamp (sec)";
  321. P(DHCP_STATE) = "DHCP renew return code (sec)";
  322. P(UPTIME) = "Uptime: ";
  323. #ifdef USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY
  324. P(RAM_1) = "RAM (byte): ";
  325. P(RAM_2) = " free of ";
  326. #endif
  327. /* This creates an pointer to instance of the webserver. */
  328. WebServer * webserver;
  329. /**
  330. * indexHTML() function
  331. * This function is used to send the index.html to the client.
  332. */
  333. void indexHTML(WebServer &server, WebServer::ConnectionType type, char *url_tail, bool tail_complete)
  334. {
  335. /* this line sends the standard "we're all OK" headers back to the
  336. browser */
  337. server.httpSuccess();
  338. /* if we're handling a GET or POST, we can output our data here.
  339. For a HEAD request, we just stop after outputting headers. */
  340. if (type == WebServer::HEAD)
  341. return;
  342. server.printP(Page_start);
  343. server.printP(Index);
  344. server.printP(Page_end);
  345. }
  346. /**
  347. * setupNetHTML() function
  348. * This function is used to send the setupNet.html to the client.
  349. *
  350. * Overview:
  351. * - Send a HTTP 200 OK Header
  352. * - If get parameters exists assign them to the corresponding variable in the eeprom_config struct
  353. * - Print the configuration
  354. *
  355. * Parameters are simple numbers. The name of the parameter is converted to an int with the atoi function.
  356. * This saves some code for setting the MAC and IP addresses.
  357. */
  358. #define NAMELEN 5
  359. #define VALUELEN 7
  360. void setupNetHTML(WebServer &server, WebServer::ConnectionType type, char *url_tail, bool tail_complete)
  361. {
  363. char name[NAMELEN];
  364. char value[VALUELEN];
  365. boolean params_present = false;
  366. byte param_number = 0;
  367. /* this line sends the standard "we're all OK" headers back to the
  368. browser */
  369. server.httpSuccess();
  370. /* if we're handling a GET or POST, we can output our data here.
  371. For a HEAD request, we just stop after outputting headers. */
  372. if (type == WebServer::HEAD)
  373. return;
  374. server.printP(Page_start);
  375. // check for parameters
  376. if (strlen(url_tail)) {
  377. while (strlen(url_tail)) {
  378. rc = server.nextURLparam(&url_tail, name, NAMELEN, value, VALUELEN);
  379. if (rc != URLPARAM_EOS) {
  380. params_present=true;
  381. // debug output for parameters
  382. #ifdef DEBUG
  383. Serial.print(name);
  384. server.print(name);
  385. Serial.print(" - ");
  386. server.print(" - ");
  387. Serial.println(value);
  388. server.print(value);
  389. server.print("<br>");
  390. #endif
  391. param_number = atoi(name);
  392. // read MAC address
  393. if (param_number >=0 && param_number <=5) {
  394. eeprom_config.mac[param_number]=strtol(value,NULL,16);
  395. }
  396. // read IP address
  397. if (param_number >=6 && param_number <=9) {
  398. eeprom_config.ip[param_number-6]=atoi(value);
  399. }
  400. // read SUBNET
  401. if (param_number >=10 && param_number <=13) {
  402. eeprom_config.subnet[param_number-10]=atoi(value);
  403. }
  404. // read GATEWAY
  405. if (param_number >=14 && param_number <=17) {
  406. eeprom_config.gateway[param_number-14]=atoi(value);
  407. }
  408. // read DNS-SERVER
  409. if (param_number >=18 && param_number <=21) {
  410. eeprom_config.dns_server[param_number-18]=atoi(value);
  411. }
  412. // read WEBServer port
  413. if (param_number == 22) {
  414. eeprom_config.webserverPort=atoi(value);
  415. }
  416. // read DHCP ON/OFF
  417. if (param_number == 23) {
  418. eeprom_config.use_dhcp=atoi(value);
  419. }
  420. // read DHCP renew interval
  421. if (param_number == 24) {
  422. eeprom_config.dhcp_refresh_minutes=atoi(value);
  423. }
  424. }
  425. }
  426. EEPROM_writeAnything(0, eeprom_config);
  427. }
  428. //print the form
  429. server.printP(Form_eth_start);
  430. if(params_present==true) {
  431. server.printP(Config_set);
  432. }
  433. server.printP(table_start);
  434. // print the current MAC
  435. server.printP(table_tr_start);
  436. server.printP(table_td_start);
  437. server.printP(MAC);
  438. server.printP(table_td_end);
  439. server.printP(table_td_start);
  440. for (int a=0;a<6;a++) {
  441. server.printP(Form_input_text_start);
  442. server.print(a);
  443. server.printP(Form_input_value);
  444. server.print(eeprom_config.mac[a],HEX);
  445. server.printP(Form_input_size2);
  446. server.printP(Form_input_end);
  447. }
  448. server.printP(table_td_end);
  449. server.printP(table_tr_end);
  450. // print the current IP
  451. server.printP(table_tr_start);
  452. server.printP(table_td_start);
  453. server.printP(IP);
  454. server.printP(table_td_end);
  455. server.printP(table_td_start);
  456. for (int a=0;a<4;a++) {
  457. server.printP(Form_input_text_start);
  458. server.print(a+6);
  459. server.printP(Form_input_value);
  460. server.print(eeprom_config.ip[a]);
  461. server.printP(Form_input_size3);
  462. server.printP(Form_input_end);
  463. }
  464. server.printP(table_td_end);
  465. server.printP(table_tr_end);
  466. // print the current SUBNET
  467. server.printP(table_tr_start);
  468. server.printP(table_td_start);
  469. server.printP(SUBNET);
  470. server.printP(table_td_end);
  471. server.printP(table_td_start);
  472. for (int a=0;a<4;a++) {
  473. server.printP(Form_input_text_start);
  474. server.print(a+10);
  475. server.printP(Form_input_value);
  476. server.print(eeprom_config.subnet[a]);
  477. server.printP(Form_input_size3);
  478. server.printP(Form_input_end);
  479. }
  480. server.printP(table_td_end);
  481. server.printP(table_tr_end);
  482. // print the current GATEWAY
  483. server.printP(table_tr_start);
  484. server.printP(table_td_start);
  485. server.printP(GW);
  486. server.printP(table_td_end);
  487. server.printP(table_td_start);
  488. for (int a=0;a<4;a++) {
  489. server.printP(Form_input_text_start);
  490. server.print(a+14);
  491. server.printP(Form_input_value);
  492. server.print(eeprom_config.gateway[a]);
  493. server.printP(Form_input_size3);
  494. server.printP(Form_input_end);
  495. }
  496. server.printP(table_td_end);
  497. server.printP(table_tr_end);
  498. // print the current DNS-SERVER
  499. server.printP(table_tr_start);
  500. server.printP(table_td_start);
  501. server.printP(DNS_SERVER);
  502. server.printP(table_td_end);
  503. server.printP(table_td_start);
  504. for (int a=0;a<4;a++) {
  505. server.printP(Form_input_text_start);
  506. server.print(a+18);
  507. server.printP(Form_input_value);
  508. server.print(eeprom_config.dns_server[a]);
  509. server.printP(Form_input_size3);
  510. server.printP(Form_input_end);
  511. }
  512. server.printP(table_td_end);
  513. server.printP(table_tr_end);
  514. // print the current webserver port
  515. server.printP(table_tr_start);
  516. server.printP(table_td_start);
  517. server.printP(WEB_PORT);
  518. server.printP(table_td_end);
  519. server.printP(table_td_start);
  520. server.printP(Form_input_text_start);
  521. server.print(22);
  522. server.printP(Form_input_value);
  523. server.print(eeprom_config.webserverPort);
  524. server.printP(Form_input_end);
  525. server.printP(table_td_end);
  526. server.printP(table_tr_end);
  527. //print the current DHCP config
  528. server.printP(table_tr_start);
  529. server.printP(table_td_start);
  530. server.printP(DHCP_ACTIVE);
  531. server.printP(table_td_end);
  532. server.printP(table_td_start);
  533. server.printP(Form_cb);
  534. server.print("0\"");
  535. if(eeprom_config.use_dhcp != 1) {
  536. server.printP(Form_cb_checked);
  537. }
  538. server.printP(Form_cb_off);
  539. server.printP(Form_cb);
  540. server.print("1\"");
  541. if(eeprom_config.use_dhcp == 1) {
  542. server.printP(Form_cb_checked);
  543. }
  544. server.printP(Form_cb_on);
  545. server.printP(table_td_end);
  546. server.printP(table_tr_end);
  547. //print the current DHCP renew time
  548. server.printP(table_tr_start);
  549. server.printP(table_td_start);
  550. server.printP(DHCP_REFRESH);
  551. server.printP(table_td_end);
  552. server.printP(table_td_start);
  553. server.printP(Form_input_text_start);
  554. server.print(24);
  555. server.printP(Form_input_value);
  556. server.print(eeprom_config.dhcp_refresh_minutes);
  557. server.printP(Form_input_size3);
  558. server.printP(Form_input_end);
  559. server.printP(table_td_end);
  560. server.printP(table_tr_end);
  561. //print DHCP status
  562. if(eeprom_config.use_dhcp == 1) {
  563. server.printP(table_tr_start);
  564. server.printP(table_td_start);
  565. server.printP(DHCP_STATE);
  566. server.printP(table_td_end);
  567. server.printP(table_td_start);
  568. server.print(dhcp_state);
  569. server.printP(table_td_end);
  570. server.printP(table_tr_end);
  571. server.printP(table_tr_start);
  572. server.printP(table_td_start);
  573. server.printP(DHCP_STATE_TIME);
  574. server.printP(table_td_end);
  575. server.printP(table_td_start);
  576. server.print(last_dhcp_renew/1000);
  577. server.printP(table_td_end);
  578. server.printP(table_tr_end);
  579. }
  580. #ifdef USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY
  581. //print uptime
  582. server.printP(table_tr_start);
  583. server.printP(table_td_start);
  584. server.printP(UPTIME);
  585. server.printP(table_td_end);
  586. server.printP(table_td_start);
  587. server.print(sys.uptime());
  588. server.printP(table_td_end);
  589. server.printP(table_tr_end);
  590. server.printP(table_tr_start);
  591. server.printP(table_td_start);
  592. server.printP(RAM_1);
  593. server.print(sys.ramFree());
  594. server.printP(RAM_2);
  595. server.print(sys.ramSize());
  596. server.printP(table_td_end);
  597. server.printP(table_tr_end);
  598. #endif
  599. server.printP(table_end);
  600. //print the send button
  601. server.printP(Form_input_send);
  602. server.printP(Form_end);
  603. server.printP(Page_end);
  604. }
  605. /**
  606. * errorHTML() function
  607. * This function is called whenever a non extisting page is called.
  608. * It sends a HTTP 400 Bad Request header and the same as text.
  609. */
  610. void errorHTML(WebServer &server, WebServer::ConnectionType type, char *url_tail, bool tail_complete)
  611. {
  612. /* this line sends the standard "HTTP 400 Bad Request" headers back to the
  613. browser */
  614. server.httpFail();
  615. /* if we're handling a GET or POST, we can output our data here.
  616. For a HEAD request, we just stop after outputting headers. */
  617. if (type == WebServer::HEAD)
  618. return;
  619. server.printP(Http400);
  620. server.printP(Page_end);
  621. }
  622. // END WEBCODE ######################################################################################################################################################
  623. /**
  624. * setup() function
  625. * This function is called whenever the arduino is turned on.
  626. */
  627. void setup()
  628. {
  629. Serial.begin(SERIAL_BAUD);
  630. /* initialize the Ethernet adapter with the settings from eeprom */
  631. delay(200); // some time to settle
  632. setupNetwork();
  633. delay(200); // some time to settle
  634. #define PREFIX ""
  635. webserver = new WebServer(PREFIX, eeprom_config.webserverPort);
  636. /* setup our default command that will be run when the user accesses
  637. * the root page on the server */
  638. webserver->setDefaultCommand(&indexHTML);
  639. /* setup our default command that will be run when the user accesses
  640. * a page NOT on the server */
  641. webserver->setFailureCommand(&errorHTML);
  642. /* run the same command if you try to load /index.html, a common
  643. * default page name */
  644. webserver->addCommand("index.html", &indexHTML);
  645. /* display a network setup form. The configuration is stored in eeprom */
  646. webserver->addCommand("setupNet.html", &setupNetHTML);
  647. /* start the webserver */
  648. webserver->begin();
  649. }
  650. /**
  651. * loop() function
  652. * Runs forver ....
  653. *
  654. * Overview:
  655. * - Renew the DHCP lease
  656. * - Serve web clients
  657. *
  658. */
  659. void loop()
  660. {
  661. // renew DHCP lease
  662. renewDHCP(eeprom_config.dhcp_refresh_minutes);
  663. char buff[200];
  664. int len = 200;
  665. /* process incoming connections one at a time forever */
  666. webserver->processConnection(buff, &len);
  667. }